Saturday, August 14, 2010

Con Brad

I makes de con brad. Is de best con brad you ever ate. Yous makes de con brad like dis.

1 cup o de Con meal
1/2 cup o de flour
1/2 teaspun o de soda
1 teaspun o de salt
1 teaspun o de bakin powdr
1 cup od de budder milk. Us dat real budder milk, not dat fancy sto bot kin.
1 egg
4 tablespuns de oil

Yous mix up good de wet tings fust. Din you mix in de dry tings. Din yous get de skillet real hot. Yous puts some oil on de skilit fust. Din you get de skillet real hot. Din you po in de mix. Din you put in de stove. Das de best con brad you ever gona have. dat pictr it shos dat con brad.


  1. Thanks for sharing your corn bread wisdom, Charity. And your picture. That's important, I agree. Compared to some other recipes I've seen, I'm impressed at your accurate measurements, and surprised at the lack of bacon grease. But that's ok, I always forget to save my grease anyway.

  2. O ise likes it bes wid de bacn gres, but dat siser o min, she sa ise to cuts back on de bacn gres. yo nos de real ways to mak it tho, swet chile, yo us de bacn gres.

  3. Charity,
    I am hoping you will post some more recipes, even if they are not corn bread. I read your comments on Old Picture of the Day, and I would love to have your recipe for the brisket cure you use. I would also love any other recipes you use, expecially for meat. I love to cook, and love to use recipes that have been around for years. They are always the best.

